Burn funds a different way. Post. Debate. Vote.
No separate commissary for first camp (u/Fyburn)
Just Hawk Fuckin Swag - Totes, t-shirts, posters, oh my!
VIP Backstage Passes to Nowhere - A revenue positive prank
Raise airport access fees (u/Fyburn)
20% less HEAT (u/Fyburn)
Raise ticket prices $20 (u/Fyburn)
RV Passes
Financial Management- Enhanced Reporting: (PM Audit 16.3.1)
Executive Compensation Reform (PM Audit 16.3.1)
Revenue Diversification: (PM Audit 16.3.1)
Tiered Ticket Pricing: (PM Audit 16.3.4)
Artist Diversity Grants: (PM Audit 16.3.4)
No more Lyte ticket vendor contract. (u/fyburn)
Move the BORG Already - Reno is real nice this time of year
Sell Tickets to Resto - Spend the week with DPW
FUCKE-Bike Passes (u/jbsoufron)
Sublease the San Francisco office. (u/Fyburn)
No board members not working full time get paid. (u/Fyburn)
Fire the fake work employees/board members. (u/Fyburn)
Every board member has to donate or raise. (u/Fyburn)
Start a Ticket Lottery-O-Love - Surprise sustaining donors
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