unFuck the Borg. Post. Argue. Vote.
End the accessory events (u/Fyburn)
Cut the Fat - No more no-show, BS, make work jobs
DPW FTW (u/pozzi1)
Stop sending staff to regional events (u/Fyburn)
Community Representation/Diversity: (PM Audit 16.3.3)
Publish annual governance reports (PM Audit 16.3.3)
Create a leadership pipeline (PM Audit 16.3.3)
Youth Outreach Programs: (PM Audit 16.3.4)
Digital Platforms: (PM Audit 16.3.5)
Regional Hubs: (PM Audit 16.3.5)
Burning Man Labs: (PM Audit 16.3.5)
Democratize the Burn - Let burners have a say
End all the bullshit proselytizing (u/Fyburn)
Expand the BORG Board - Pack it and crack it, baby
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