Big ideas

Big ideas

Think outside the burn. Shitpost. Troll. Vote. ...................... :( You know who you are :) ......................


An Inbox for Every Burner - [email protected]

Stop squandering ticket money on side quests (u/hannican)

No more free kids tickets. (u/Fyburn)

anal probes for the orgy dome (u/Right2Panic)

Renewable Energy Adoption: (PM Audit 16.3.2)

Carbon Offset Programs: (PM Audit 16.3.2)

Sustainable Art Practices: (PM Audit 16.3.2)

Build a Burn - Renegaded (u/DryBid3800)

Amend the Principles - Start with consent, end on gratitude

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

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